Sons of Ghana.
Water seekers.
Not even ten years old, Nkambi and Naayeme are growing up in the remote village of Pkasanando, Ghana. Instead of walking to school to learn about history and science, they carry the burden of walking to find water to drink. Instead of discovering new math skills or an interest in literature, they are finding only contaminated water, shared with livestock, and they suffer from water-borne illnesses. Instead of raising their hands to ask questions in the classroom, they have raised their prayers and hopes for relief–an end to their search, and their collective thirst quenched.
Through collaborative efforts with Water for West Africa, the Clean Water Program of Healing Hands International has ended their daily, three-mile quest with the installation of a well in Pkasanando. With the hours returned to these days of their youth, Nkambi and Naayeme are rejoicing. Gifted with wisdom and grace beyond his years, Naayeme expresses his gratitude: “We are very grateful to you for providing us with water, because it will help us stay in school.”
These boys know that God is in the details of this new chapter in their lives. Now, they will race each other to school, swapping jokes and playing tag. They will study and develop interests in subjects that will build productive lives for their families, schoolmates, neighbors and friends. They will enjoy the blessings of good health, and they will taste refreshment with every cup of crystal clear water.
The Future of Ghana.
Boys at a well.
Thank you for partnering with Healing Hands International to bring clean water to the far corners of the earth. You have changed the world for Nkambi and Naayeme, and for the generations that will follow them.
Jesus said, “Everyone who drinks from this water will get thirsty again.
But whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty again.
In fact, the water I will give him will become a well of water springing up in him for eternal life.”
John 4:13-14