Immanuel in Malawi

June 27, 2024

The people of Malawi are known for being incredibly kind and welcoming, forming fast friendships with visitors and relationships that easily span time and distance. Malawi is home to numerous projects by Healing Hands International Programs, and our staff inevitably come away with full hearts and fond memories. It’s all because of these beautiful people and the way they open their hearts. 

All Aspects of a Transformational Village

The community of Wazerezga Jeka is the perfect example of our Transformational Village concept, in that they have hosted HHI opportunities from Women of Hope, Hunger to Harvest, Clean Water, and now, MAGI. The Vuta Church of Christ in Wazerezga Jeka recently received a shipment of 126 MAGI boxes, and HHI staff distributed them to every single school-aged child in the village.

MAGI as a Reminder of Immanuel

The children received gifts of school supplies, clothes, basic hygiene supplies and age-appropriate toys. They feel remembered and cared for. They look forward to going to class prepared, dressed in a new outfit with a new pencil and notebook in hand. Overton Mwale is a preacher and leader in the community, and he gracefully explains what MAGI means to everyone there: “It means Immanuel. God has come to help and stay in our community. His love is so huge. It brings people closer to God, creating an environment for the Gospel seed to germinate and grow. It cements love relationships with people we work with or minister to.”

This is, without a doubt, God’s story. With the MAGI Program being named in honor of the Magi who brought gifts to the Christ Child, it is truly wonderful to know that its effect is experienced as a reflection of Jesus – Immanuel. God is with us

MAGI Inspires Beyond Boundaries

Lilly Mskanga is a 56-year-old wife and mother of four children in Wazerezga Jeka, and she shares her happiness and amazement that all children were included and blessed: “It is so hard for me to believe that truly all students in this community received a backpack with all school supplies, plus food and clothes items. It’s only possible through God’s intervention. My kids’ desire to go to school has increased because they love to carry their new backpacks, which have all they need at school.” 

Overton Mwale reports that parents, teachers and chiefs in the village are overcome with gratitude for the MAGI delivery. “We have seen different kinds of people to be very selective when they want to help. Healing Hands International and the Church of Christ are unique. They have put no boundaries, whatsoever. They are true children of God.”

How precious it is to count Malawi and the people of Wazerezga Jeka as family. God has brought the far corners of the earth to the same table through Healing Hands International, and MAGI has one particularly special focus – all God’s children. We remain in constant prayer that we can only do more, reach more and become more, together. Immanuel.