Tanzania is located on the Eastern coast of Africa. Known for its rich, cultural history and traditions, it is also quite famous for its geological significance, as it is home to the continent’s highest point on Mount Kilimanjaro.
Even in its world renown, many of its citizens struggle with ample food production, doing the best they can with nutrient-deficient soils and unpredictably alternating rainfalls and draughts.
Mtipe Secondary School is in Tanzania, and the staff there welcomed our Healing Hands International family to their location to host a Survival Gardening Workshop earlier this year. Forty-eight trainees attended, all ready to strengthen their farming techniques. They are now looking forward to harvesting a plentiful bounty and improving the futures of their families and communities.
Our Workshop included lessons on creating compost piles, constructing raised planting beds, and the use of drip irrigation methods. The trainees were truly excited to participate, and they are filled with hope as they watch their new skills and hard work unfold into successful crop production.
Diamon Anyandwile Swila is a 38-year-old father of three children living near the Mtipe Secondary School. He is also an agriculture teacher, which is an incredibly helpful quality as the village processes the Workshop training. He says with deep appreciation, “I am very grateful for this training in our school. The opportunity to get rid of poverty starts with one person. I have decided to be the first to show my colleagues the way.”
James Simon Mbindi also teaches at the school. He responded to the Workshop training with such positivity: “First of all, I am thankful for this project. I can see us in the school having extra money because we will not spend money buying vegetables. We will raise vegetables at school and at our homes. Both the school and families will benefit. Thank you Healing Hands!”
Edwin Kashumba was our Workshop trainer for the Mtipe Secondary School event, and he confirms that HHI’s efforts are worthwhile in so many ways. “This training helps those who are broken-hearted, to rise up and free themselves from poverty. May God remember the love and compassion of our donors.”
Again and again, we are humbled to know that our brothers and sisters in Christ from faraway lands pray for blessings upon the HHI family. Love and respect for each other is ever-reciprocating, and compassion is ever-present. We are indeed blessed by our donors who give graciously so that our Workshops can continue to bring life to corners of the world where desperation formerly ruled.
In his letter to the Philippians, Paul instructs, “Do not worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6)
Thank you for being an answer to prayer for so many, and for helping us continue in the mission that God has carved for our collective purpose.