The village of Ringa has suffered from food insecurity for many years now. Ringa is an area full of rocky soil that is difficult to hold what little rainfall they do get. Because of the serious lack of rainfall, the people of the village have had to rely mostly on beans, maize, and animal keeping.
Winnie, a member of the village, said, “hope always fades when what you plant dries up before maturity.” Healing Hands International provided drip kits with the community and taught them how to use them for a bountiful harvest. Jane, a grandmother of seven orphans, said, “I can now produce my own food, and share it with my grandchildren.”
The people of Ringa were determined to provide for themselves. Despite hardships such as extremely hard and infertile ground, the group dug resiliently and were able to plant all the crops. They all worked together nobly towards a common goal of food stability.