As we continue to be grateful for the connections God has allowed HHI to make in Eastern Europe, our team wants to share with you a story from the Sopot Church of Christ in Poland. This church community has been tirelessly serving families and individuals who had to leave their homes in Ukraine. They are providing housing, food and basic necessities for many Ukrainian refugees within their community. This includes providing and serving three meals daily for over 70 people each time, and they were doing this in a small kitchen set up with just a couple of hot plates. HHI is standing with them in this work by renovating the kitchen area so there is more prep space, a larger stove and burners for large pots to slow cook. Additionally, shelving and chairs will be purchased as well to accommodate supplies and more individuals.
The workers at the church are excited and relieved to have the additional space, and it is making meal prep and service run MUCH more efficiently! While everyday brings new and different challenges, HHI is humbled for the opportunity to alleviate pressure points and hold up the hands of these servants, like Aaron and Hur did for Moses. YOU are making projects like this possible. Thank you!