The Makutano Village is mainly a plateau bordering the Rift Valley of Kenya. The natural resources of the area include pasture land, forest, wildlife and rivers. The limiting factors for agricultural production in this area are frequent dry spells and poor rainfall distribution. Major droughts occur every 4-5 years. This leads to famine where communities are forced to depend entirely on relief food. Earlier this year, HHI’s Hunger to Harvest Trainers conducted a survival gardening workshop for 140 trainees, including area assistant chief Joseph Wainaina.
Trainees were optimistic as they shared words of hope and encouragement at the end of the workshop! Trainers encouraged the participants to practice their new skills as they returned home. A young woman named Peris completed the workshop. Peris shared, “As a mother I depend on the small money I get from selling some of my potatoes, spinach and cabbage. Today, I have learned how to increase my production with the drip irrigation techniques.”
Another trainee, Christine, shared, “Thanks to Healing Hands, I have learned to make raised planting beds for the next planting season. With raised beds and drip irrigation next season, I will be able to increase my harvest.”
The impact of your generosity to the Hunger to Harvest Ministry will equip and empower families and communities for years to come. Our team is grateful for you and your commitment to transforming lives around the world!