“An historic event has taken place in Zimbabwe!”
That’s the collective sentiment for the residents of Dhuwa Village in Zimbabwe. They have marked the occasion of access to clean water, choosing to revere the drilling of a new well as a moment to carry in their hearts. They will talk about it as generations mature. And without a doubt, they will always remember.
This well was drilled on the grounds of the Denzva Primary School. At the official commissioning, parents and children attended the ceremony alongside school officials. This entire community is thankful, remembering the blessings that grew in their gardens after our Hunger to Harvest Program held a Survival Gardening Workshop. Now, with the addition of a well, they know that their crops will thrive, and their health will improve. They will have more time for farming and work and school and family gatherings, all because they will no longer have to walk long distances to find clean water.
Although there is always more work to be done, the mothers of Dhuwa are full of gratitude for the work that Healing Hands International has been able to do thus far. Moleen Rumheza is a mother of four children in Dhuwa. She declares with contagious optimism, “HHI has done a splendid job in our ward. Denzva school and the community [have] benefited a lot. Sacrificial work has been done to have this borehole. The school garden, which is in the Bill Chapin Memorial Program, is going to be always green. As a school and the community, we must keep this borehole well. We are being helped to help ourselves. Thank you!”
Helping others to help themselves – therein lies the heart of this mission of Healing Hands International, which gives all glory to God. We are making history in Zimbabwe and all across this world. More accurately put, we are sharing HIStory, and working on the cutting edge of His great provision as it unfolds. As God leads donors, volunteers and staff into this HHI family, we are prayerfully thankful for each and every one of you.
Thank you for supporting Clean Water! You are truly giving the lifesource of water through our eternal source of Living Water. God bless you, and God bless the ones who will drink from the well in Dhuwa!