Clean Water

Nigerian Village Shines With Borehole Blessings

August 25, 2023

AFRICA is the second largest continent on earth, behind Asia in both size and population.

NIGERIA is known as the “Giant of Africa.” Its land expanse sits on the continent’s western coast, maintaining Africa’s largest population. It contains a wealth of natural resources, many of which remain untapped. 

ABUJA is the capital city of Nigeria. It is home to many of the wealthiest people in the nation. Largely constructed in the 1980s, Abuja is a purposefully planned metropolis with impressive architecture, sprawling parks and recreational facilities, sky-high real estate prices, shopping and entertainment venues, and road networks full of fancy cars zooming toward its bustling high life.

And within Abuja resides an irony.

A dichotomy.

A tale of two cities… but not the classic Charles Dickens sort of historical fiction.

A very real, living, breathing, duality of existence is fully present in Abuja, ironically tagged with the nickname, the “Center of Unity.”

The GALADIMAWA village is the counter picture to all the planned perfection of the Abuja city center. On the outskirts of town, Galadimawa is home to a few thousand souls who struggle through their days battling deadly diseases brought on by contaminated water sources and poor sanitation. The people of Galadimawa suffer from typhoid, malaria, dysentery, cholera, pneumonia, trachoma, and worm-related illnesses, and many of their children perish with diarrhea and dehydration in the unlivable cycle of extreme poverty.  

The women and children who survive spend their days on a treasure hunt for clean water. Quite often, they resort to the canal that serves Abuja, but the same canal quenches the thirst of wild animals and receives the pollution, runoff and sewage of the ever-growing capital city. Instead of treasure and refreshment, the people of Galadimawa often return carrying jerry cans full of dirty water, or empty-handed.

Some Galadimawa residents have the means to make purchases from peddlers known as water hawkers, but even then, their prices are exorbitant and their water sources are not confirmed or guaranteed to be safe.

And all the while, the village seeks survival well within the view of the thriving downtown area of Abuja. Galadimawa is the site of a well-traveled roundabout connecting the major corners of the city. Sleek, exotic cars speed through the village, racing to luxury and excess among elegant buildings while the people of Galadimawa people brush the dust from their foreheads, eyes and mouths, thirsty in body and in soul. The local government has overlooked solutions to the problems, and residents say the country’s politicians only come around during the campaign season, leaving fulfilled promises as scarce as clean water.

Because of thoughtful donations to Healing Hands International, our Clean Water division was able to reach out to Galadimawa Village, survey the possibilities, make an action plan, and successfully drill a borehole in the backyard of the newly established Galadimawa Church of Christ. One ecstatic Sister from the church expressed her gratitude to HHI for restoring hope and giving life to the people of the community: “This water project is a dream come true. I am overwhelmed… It was really difficult to wash the auditorium, wash the communion accessories, and I thank God I was physically present when the drilling of this borehole was going on. I watched with bated breath. I was amazed when water came out from the borehole–something we never thought could ever happen… Our generation will forever remember HHI.”

A member of the Galadimawa community, Helen Danjuma (pictured above) is a mother of five children who will now be able to go to school early and enjoy a healthier lifestyle. She talks about the future with gladness: “Women will [have] time to engage in other economic activities. Above all, waterborne illnesses will be significantly reduced… God has used our good people–Healing Hands International–to wipe away our tears. To God be the glory!”

Chigozie Nte operates a car washing business and has three children who he says will be very healthy and happy now that the borehole provides clean water, reducing deaths and illnesses among little ones and eliminating the need for long trips to the canal. A man of the church, he is looking forward to fellowshipping with people gathering around the borehole: “It will really help us in our evangelism.”


Chinyere Okonkwo is a family man who speaks with such genuine care for his people: “I am so excited that Healing Hands listened to our cry and has brought this succor to our people. Indeed, HHI has demonstrated God’s sincere Love towards humanity. May God in heaven replenish their pockets in Jesus name, Amen.”

It is well worth noting that “succor” is a term used in certain Bible translations to reference help or aid given to someone in the most extreme of circumstances: “But be not thou far off, O Jehovah: O thou my succor, haste thee to help me.” (Psalm 22:19 – ASV)

The results are humbling. Clean water allows children to go to school and focus on learning. It allows parents to earn a living, to make strides away from poverty and into opportunity. It leaves room for survival. It grants church members a way to clean their communion supplies. It provides opportunities for worship, and for sharing the good news of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Thank you for helping us reach those previously untapped resources, and thereby, the hearts of a village of God’s beautiful people. While the hub of the city of Abuja continues to sparkle with wealth and lights and energy, the village of Galadimawa shines with the blessings of clean water, bursting forth from the borehole in the backyard of the church, where His mercies are present, indeed… where your generosity brought succor to the greatest need.

“The poor and needy search for water,

  but there is none;

  their tongues are parched with thirst.

But I the Lord will answer them;

  I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them.

I will make rivers flow on barren heights,

  and springs within the valleys.

I will turn the desert into pools of water,

  and the parched ground into springs.”

Isaiah 41:17-18