The Gospel is available to everyone, without exception. And much like everyone needs the scriptures, everyone needs clean water to live.
We are called to help one another, so that when someone is downtrodden, there is an outstretched hand to lift and soothe a suffering soul with the love of Jesus and, if possible, to improve the situation at hand.
The Peddapuram Leper Colony (pictured above) is in India, cared for by the Peddapuram Church of Christ. Plagued by an illness often mistakenly thought to be a problem of the biblical age, the 80 members of this community live with a painful, progressive disease that comes with a social stigma and isolation. Leprosy is chronic and contagious, prompting skin lesions and nerve damage, separating families and wearing down mental well-being.
Adding to their significant daily challenges, the people of Peddapuram have not been able to quench their physical thirst. At one time, they had a functioning water well, but after consecutive years of severe drought, their well ran dry.
Because of the generosity of Healing Hands International donors armed with the command of Matthew 22:39, Peddapuram is not without hope. The Clean Water team was able to drill a new well, deep enough into the earth’s crust to benefit this community for many years to come.
Matthew 22:39 – “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Sudhakar is the preacher in Peddapuram, following in the faith-filled footsteps of his father before him. He is confident that while the well will provide clean water, it will also serve the church’s spiritual purpose in sharing the Gospel.
And therein lies the purpose at the heart of Healing Hands International, to aid empower and equip those in need, all in the name of Jesus Christ.
Like a reflection of the Gospel, Clean Water is for everyone.